Animation Competition 5
Friday, July 5. 2019 – 16:30 @ FILMHAUS KINO am Spittelberg, 79 min

A parcel that bears no name
Markus Hadinger, Christoph Lendenfeld, Doris Rastinger, Kyra von Baeckmann |
2019 | 5 min 12 sec | AT
RADAR Student Competition
The old master postman Erich delivers a package with his apprentice, Rosal. They have to carry it all the way up the stairs. But as they go higher and higher, the package seems to come to life.

Dmitri Voloshin | 2019 | 8 min 11 sec | MD
RADAR International Competition
This story is about an astronaut who, as a child, dreamed of flying and being free. And now he seems to be flying in the sky, but he is actually locked in the capsule of a spacecraft. One day, minor problems lead to bigger problems, causing the spaceship to lose control and collapse on Earth. And now the astronaut will once again spread the wings of his dreams and return to childhood.

Dream or Reality
Christoph Uiberacker | 2019 | 1 min 58 sec | AT
RADAR Student Competition
A windy night in a sleeping room. 6 persons are quietly sleeping when one awakes suddenly. This causes the opposite person to also awake and approach the first one. A kiss is exchanged and more is to come. Was this all reality or just a dream?

Dürrenwaid 8
Kirsten Carina Geißer, Ines Christine Geißer | 2018 | 6 min 50 sec | DE
RADAR International Competition
A house, a garden, a stream. The behive on the hillside, the shack, the wooden hut and the shed.
Inbetween we find memories, stories and observations. The past, the present and the future.

Wilbert van Veldhuizen | 2019 | 5 min 55 sec | NL
RADAR International Competition
A young woman drives an old car along a coastal road towards a village. There is a man in the passenger seat, contemplating. Planning to shape the future of the village, as well as his own.

Gorilla Thrilla
Sabrina Kainz, Doris Blätterbinder, Jens Cherukad | 2018 | 5 min 6 sec | AT
RADAR Student Competition
The ape Georg lives a simple life as a taxi driver, yet he seeks adventure. But as he gets involved into a major crime scene, he hesitates…

Jack the Ripper_Then and now
Haemin Ko | 2018 | 2 min 23 sec | UK
RADAR International Competition
Given that Jack was never caught, and that some people believe he could have been multiple killers, should we represent him as only one man? By choosing to never reveal his identity, we insinuate that the Ripper could be any one of us, as well as in all of us — and that in today’s society, he rips women’s hopes for a brighter future, he rips their dreams into domestic submission, and he rips their self-esteems as well as their ability to control their own bodies.
Who was Jack then, and who is he now? What was abuse like then, and what is like now?

Tristan Neuberger, Jakob Vogel, Jakob Steininger, Melanie Wressnigg |
2019 | 5 min 10 sec | AT
RADAR Student Competition
A poisonous Bitterness has taken over the lands. The world and its inhabitants are infected and paralyzed. A lone spirit is the only one left unaffected – Still believing in change, she wanders the lands, playing her melody, hoping that someone will respond to it…

Tamao Kiser, Matthew Ho, Lauren Oh | 2019 | 8 min 10 sec | US
RADAR International Competition
In a world where neon orange is banned, unexpected customers visit a dry cleaner run by two siblings.

O Hunter Heart
Carla MacKinnon | 2018 | 7 min 7 sec | UK
RADAR International Competition
Nature and domesticity collide and animal instincts rise to the surface, in a dark tale of love and loss. This film’s soundtrack features audio from collected interviews, creating a story that is constructed from fragments of real-life broken hearts.

Pomme de Terre
Sebastian Doringer | 2018 | 1 min | AT
RADAR Student Competition
„Pomme de Terre“ is the story of an impatient potato in a waiting line.

Shy & Ketchup
Teresa Romo | 2019 | 3 min 40 sec | CL
RADAR International Competition
A shy girl obsessed with ketchup has to get out of her comfort zone when she runs out of her beloved ketchup.

Spaced Out
Stella Hartmann | 2019 | 2 min 35 sec | HR
RADAR International Competition
A unicorn wakes up, only to find out that he is an astral projection. He spends the rest of the day trying to get back into his body, and go back home into his own mind.

The Land of the 3-Drink Minimum
Jeremy Speed Schwartz | 2018 | 4 min 22 sec | US
RADAR International Competition
The attractive denizens of The Land of the 3-Drink Minimum desperately try to connect with each other, but are unable to see past their own desires or past their own alcohol-soaked heads. A personal reflection presented in two parts.

Two for Two
Jelena Oroz | 2018 | 8 min | HR
RADAR International Competition
Our home is a fragile flower. Milk and honey. Cocoa and hell. Everyone pets their own bunny. The feeling is lovely. Vanilla cake… A moody portrayal of the moment we stop loving others and fall in love with our fantasies.