Radar Pitch / Project Slam
RADAR PITCH: Friday, July 5. 10:00 @ Filmhaus Kino
We support the development and presentation of new film projects. Like in 2018, the award of 1000,- Euros for the best project-pitch was granted by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the prize money, we also offer a comprehensive consultation and feedback from our international jury. We see the exchange and discussion with external experts in an open conversation about the projects presented as a valuable contribution to further project development.
Real / Time / Identity / Discourse
PANAL DISCUSSION: Friday, July 5. 13:30 @ Filmhaus Kino
Should you prepare for the long haul to reach progressive growth in life/work/art?
A discussion about personal goals and setting directions in life that allow you to advance and prosper. Well – of course with a special interconnection of animated moving images.
Panel discussion with Ruth Lingford and Robert Dassanowsky.